Career Karma is a community of peers, mentors and coaches that will help you land a dream career in Tech. You never pay a dime. The only cost is to help people behind you.
In our app, you will meet people who are just starting out and people who are several stages ahead of you. No prior experience is needed. We will send you a free coding course to get started.
When you join Career Karma, you can take our assessment to get matched to the right coding bootcamps based on your specific needs / challenges, grouped into peer circles, and introduced to a career guide.
Career Karma是一个由同龄人,导师和教练组成的社区,将帮助您在Tech获得梦想的职业生涯。你永远不会支付一分钱。唯一的成本是帮助身后的人。
当您加入Career Karma时,您可以根据您的特定需求/挑战,将我们的评估与正确的编码训练营相匹配,分组到同行圈子,并介绍给职业指南。